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Git Interactive Rebase Tool: A Cross-Platform Solution for Interactive Rebase in Git


Rebase.exe Download: What Is It and How to Use It

If you are a Windows developer, you might have heard of rebase.exe, a tool that can rebase DLLs to avoid address conflicts and improve performance. But what exactly is rebase.exe, why do you need it, and how can you use it? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will also look at some alternatives to rebase.exe and the benefits of rebasing your DLLs.


What is rebase.exe?

Rebase.exe is a command-line tool that comes with the Windows SDK. It can change the base address of DLLs (dynamic-link libraries) so that they can load faster and use less memory. Rebase.exe can also rebase executables, but this is less common.

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DLLs are files that contain code and data that can be shared by multiple applications. They are loaded into memory when an application needs them, and they can be unloaded when they are no longer needed. However, DLLs have a preferred base address, which is the memory location where they want to be loaded. If two or more DLLs have the same or overlapping base addresses, they cannot be loaded at their preferred locations. This causes the Windows loader to relocate them to different addresses, which is called rebasing.

Rebasing has some drawbacks. It takes time and CPU resources to relocate the DLLs, which slows down the application loading. It also modifies the DLLs in memory, which means they cannot be shared by other processes and they need to be backed up by the paging file. This increases the memory usage and fragmentation of the system.

Why do you need to rebase DLLs?

The main reason to rebase DLLs is to avoid address conflicts and improve performance. By rebasing your DLLs, you can ensure that they load at their preferred addresses, or at least at non-overlapping addresses. This reduces the need for rebasing by the Windows loader, which speeds up the application loading and reduces the memory consumption.

Another reason to rebase DLLs is to maintain a clean project history. This is especially relevant for Git users, who use the git rebase command to rewrite their commit history. By rebasing your DLLs, you can make it appear as if you created them from a different base address, which can simplify your Git workflow and avoid merge conflicts.

How to download and use rebase.exe?

To download rebase.exe, you need to install the Windows SDK for your version of Windows. You can find the download links for different versions of Windows SDK . Once you install the Windows SDK, you can find rebase.exe in the bin folder of the SDK installation directory.

To use rebase.exe, you need to open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where your DLLs are located. Then you can run rebase.exe with various options to specify the base address, the range, the increment, and other parameters for your DLLs. You can also use a response file to list multiple DLLs and their base addresses.

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For example, if you want to rebase mydll.dll to 0x60000000 with an increment of 0x10000, you can run this command:

rebase -b 0x60000000 -i 0x10000 mydll.dll

If you want to rebase multiple DLLs using a response file called mydlls.rsp, you can run this command:

rebase @mydlls.rsp

You can find more information about the syntax and options of rebase.exe Rebase.exe Alternatives

Rebase.exe is not the only tool that can rebase DLLs or executables. There are some alternatives that you can use for different purposes or scenarios. Here are some of them:


Editbin.exe is another command-line tool that comes with Visual Studio. It can edit various attributes of executable files, such as the base address, the stack size, the subsystem, and more. It has a /REBASE option that can rebase DLLs or executables to a specified address or range. You can use editbin.exe in a similar way as rebase.exe, but it has some additional options and features. For example, you can use editbin.exe to change the preferred base address of a DLL or executable without actually rebasing it. This can be useful if you want to avoid rebasing by the Windows loader, but you don't want to modify the original file. You can find more information about editbin.exe .

Git rebase

Git rebase is a command that is used to rewrite the commit history of a Git branch. It can move a branch to a new location at the head of another branch, or squash multiple commits into one. Git rebase is not directly related to rebase.exe, but it can be useful for maintaining a clean project history and avoiding merge conflicts. Git rebase works by applying the changes from one branch to another branch, and creating new commits for each change. This means that the original commits are discarded and replaced by new ones. This can make the project history look more linear and organized, but it also changes the history and the commit IDs. Therefore, you should only use Git rebase on your local branches, and not on branches that other developers have based work on. You can find more information about Git rebase .


Rebase.dll is a DLL file that is part of the Windows operating system. It contains the functions that are used by the Windows loader to rebase DLLs or executables when they are loaded into memory. Rebase.dll is not a tool that you can use directly, but it is important to know how it works and what it does. Rebase.dll uses a relocation table to find and fix the addresses that need to be rebased in a DLL or executable. The relocation table is a section in the PE (Portable Executable) format that lists the offsets of the addresses that are relative to the base address. Rebase.dll adds or subtracts the difference between the preferred base address and the actual base address to these offsets, and writes the new addresses to memory. Rebase.dll also updates the checksum of the DLL or executable to reflect the changes made by rebasing. Rebase.exe Benefits

Now that you know what rebase.exe is and how to use it, you might be wondering what are the benefits of rebasing your DLLs or executables. Here are some of the advantages that rebase.exe can offer:

Faster application loading

One of the main benefits of rebasing your DLLs or executables is that it can speed up the application loading time. This is because rebasing reduces the need for the Windows loader to relocate the DLLs or executables when they are loaded into memory. Relocation is a time-consuming and CPU-intensive process that can slow down the application startup. By rebasing your DLLs or executables, you can ensure that they load at their preferred or non-overlapping addresses, which eliminates or minimizes the relocation overhead. This can make your application load faster and more responsive.

Reduced memory fragmentation

Another benefit of rebasing your DLLs or executables is that it can reduce the memory fragmentation and consumption of the system. Memory fragmentation is a condition where the available memory is divided into small and non-contiguous blocks, which makes it harder to allocate large and contiguous blocks for new processes. Memory fragmentation can degrade the performance and stability of the system, and cause errors such as out-of-memory or low-memory warnings. By rebasing your DLLs or executables, you can reduce the memory fragmentation by avoiding address conflicts and overlaps. This means that the DLLs or executables can be loaded into contiguous memory blocks, which can be shared by multiple processes and do not need to be backed up by the paging file. This can free up more memory for other applications and improve the system performance.

Cleaner project history

A third benefit of rebasing your DLLs or executables is that it can help you maintain a cleaner project history and workflow. This is especially relevant for Git users, who use the git rebase command to rewrite their commit history and avoid merge conflicts. By rebasing your DLLs or executables, you can make it appear as if you created them from a different base address, which can simplify your Git workflow and avoid merge conflicts. For example, if you have two branches that have different base addresses for their DLLs or executables, you can use rebase.exe to change the base address of one branch to match the other branch, and then use git rebase to move that branch to the head of the other branch. This way, you can avoid address conflicts and merge conflicts, and keep your project history more linear and organized.


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have learned about rebase.exe, a tool that can rebase DLLs or executables to avoid address conflicts and improve performance. We have also learned about some alternatives to rebase.exe, such as editbin.exe, git rebase, and rebase.dll. Finally, we have discussed some benefits of rebasing your DLLs or executables, such as faster application loading, reduced memory fragmentation, and cleaner project history.


Here are some frequently asked questions about rebase.exe:

  • Q: Is rebase.exe safe to use?

  • A: Rebase.exe is a safe tool that comes with the Windows SDK. However, you should always backup your files before using rebase.exe, as it modifies them in place. You should also test your application after rebasing to make sure it works correctly.

  • Q: How do I know what base address to use for my DLLs or executables?

  • A: You can use tools such as dumpbin.exe or Dependency Walker to view the preferred base address and size of your DLLs or executables. You can also use tools such as VMMap or Process Explorer to view the actual base address and size of your DLLs or executables when they are loaded into memory. You should choose a base address that does not conflict or overlap with other DLLs or executables in your application or system.

  • Q: How do I know if my DLLs or executables need to be rebased?

  • A: You can use tools such as Process Monitor or DebugView to monitor the rebasing activity of the Windows loader when your application starts. You can also use tools such as VMMap or Process Explorer to view the relocation table and checksum of your DLLs or executables when they are loaded into memory. If you see a lot of rebasing activity, relocation entries, or checksum changes, it means that your DLLs or executables need to be rebased.

  • Q: Can I use rebase.exe on 64-bit DLLs or executables?A: Yes, you can use rebase.exe on 64-bit DLLs or executables. However, you need to use the 64-bit version of rebase.exe, which is located in the x64 subfolder of the bin folder of the Windows SDK installation directory. You also need to use a 64-bit command prompt to run rebase.exe.

  • Q: Can I use rebase.exe on DLLs or executables that are digitally signed?

  • A: No, you cannot use rebase.exe on DLLs or executables that are digitally signed. This is because rebasing modifies the DLLs or executables in place, which breaks the digital signature. If you try to use rebase.exe on a digitally signed DLL or executable, you will get an error message saying "The file is signed and cannot be rebased". You need to remove the digital signature before using rebase.exe, and then sign the DLL or executable again after rebasing.

I hope this article has helped you understand rebase.exe and how to use it. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Thanks for reading! 44f88ac181

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