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The Idea Of The Holy R. Otto

04b7365b0e Translated by John W. Harvey. Since the English translation first appeared in 1923, Rudolf Otto's Idea of the Holy has established itself as a classic in the field of religious philosophy. It offers an in-depth inquiry into the non-rational factor in the idea of the divine and its relation to the rational.. 1 Jun 2017 ... ... Ethical, and the Body. Rudolf Otto's “The Idea of the Holy” Revisited ...... Embodied Cognitive Science, edited by R. Madzia & Matthias Jung.. Available in: Paperback. Since the English translation first appeared in 1923, Rudolf Otto's volume has established itself as a classic in the field of.. In this first part of this brief study of The Idea of the Holy we summarise what we take to be Otto's two most important themes: the numinous and religious .... Religious Essays, A Supplement to The Idea of the Holy (O.U.P.) : table of contents . ... TEANSLATOR S PREFACE THIS translation of Dr. Rudolf Otto s Das Heiliye ...... O Beside the Wrath or An r er of Yahweh stands the related O expression .... The Idea of the Holy has 1046 ratings and 53 reviews. Bruce said: The thesis of this book is that a sense of God's presence, with its attendant emotions.... 21 Sep 2018 ... Das Heilige (1917; The Idea of the Holy, 1923) is his most important work. Otto was the son of William Otto, a manufacturer. Little is.. 21 Apr 1997 ... In this reading, we hear from an author quite a bit more sympathetic to the Mystic than either James or Russell. In effect. Otto is adding to what .... Since the English translation first appeared in 1923, Rudolf Otto's volume has established itself as a classic in the field of religious philosophy. It offers an .... 29 Jun 2018 ... the relation between the affective dimension of religious experience ... Feigel, one of Otto's earliest critics, regarded The Idea of the Holy as a “ .... The subtitle of Otto's The Idea of the Holy declares his agenda: An Inquiry into the ..... in its German translation, heiliges römisches Reich ("Holy Roman Empire").. In The Idea of the Holy, Otto writes that while the concept of "the holy" is often used to convey moral perfection – and does entail this – it contains another distinct element, beyond the ethical sphere, for which he coined the term numinous based on the Latin word numen ("divine power").. The Idea of the Holy is one of the enduring classics of 20th-century German theology. The Lutheran theologian Rudolf Otto coined the term “numinous” and .... 24 Oct 2011 ... Rudolf Otto's The Idea of the Holy: An Inquiry into the non-rational factor in the idea of the divine and its relation to the rational was first .... Otto was one of the most influential thinkers about religion in the first half of the ... Outline of Otto's concept of the numinous (based on The Idea of the Holy. Trans .... Otto's Das Heilige , published in 1917 and translated as The Idea of the Holy , was immediately ... R. Otto, Mysticism East and West (New York: Collier, 1962).. "The Idea of the Holy" is not an easy book yet it has depth unparalleled by many others as could be called the very classic. The name of the book, "The Idea of .... , The Idea of the Holy, 1923) appeared and exercised a great influence on the study of religion through its description of religious man's experience of the “numinous” (a mysterious, majestic presence inspiring dread and fascination), which Otto, a German theologian and historian of religions, claimed,…. Abstract. In this paper, I have attempted to interpret and analyze the concept and picture of God as has been propounded in 'The Idea of. Holy' by Rudolf Otto.. Since the English translation first appeared in 1923, Rudolf Otto's volume has established itself as a classic in the field of religious philosophy. It offers an ...

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